No More Hostages

No More Hostages


Photo from the Washington Independent

First and foremost on behalf of myself, The Prepared Page, and I think I can safely say the entire prepping community we send out our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of James Foley. Mr. Foley was murdered in a horrendous act of inhumanity and terrorism at its very worst. He was a 40 year old American reporter working in Syria who was taken hostage in November 2012. The details of his murder and captivity can be read here

beheading U.S. journalist

September 2nd 2014, Journalist Steven Scotloff was also murdered after being held hostage since 2013. He was 31 years old and also an American citizen raised in Miami Florida. Sadly once again we send our condolences to the family and loved ones of Mr. Scotloff.  Details can be read here

 video shows beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff

The group who proudly take credit for these sadistic deaths don’t deserve nor will they receive any publicity from this post, I will not even name them. It is not about them. It is about protecting ourselves to the best of our abilities from becoming a victim of groups and individuals who would make us their victims in the name of terror or escaping from the consequences of their crimes. About avoiding or surviving if possible being a hostage.

You might think as you are not a reporter, a diplomat, you’re not planning to visit a country in turmoil for any reason, not currently in the military, nor the child or spouse of a wealthy benefactor who could be held for ransom that this doesn’t apply to you. But the fact of the matter most hostages aren’t taken for any of those reasons. Most are average people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and are being used to avoid capture and elude law enforcement after or during a crime. The tragedies of 9-11, Boston, and Oklahoma City also shows us that we can be going about our daily lives and suddenly be in the middle of an unprovoked unexpected terrorist attack.

There were some lessons learned by us and by the terrorists involved with those specific events. We learned the danger can be home grown and totally out of the blue and they learned some tactics will never work again. No plane load of passengers will ever sit quietly without fighting back again. But what about those more common reasons for hostages? What can we do to avoid becoming a hostage? The links below can assist you in avoiding the situation.  I recommend that you take a look even if you never expect it, as what you see and read can’t be unseen or unread and just the right tip may return to you at a time you need it most!



If the worst should happen and you are caught in the middle of a hostage situation then what do you do? What is your best defense and your best options for walking away unscathed?



The best way to avoid any situation is by being aware of your surroundings and to mentally take note of any odd or unusual people or items in the area. Unattended baggage, people who seem to be totally out of place or unusually nervous etc. The best way of surviving the event if you should find yourself in it is by remaining calm and using that advice given in the links above.

Use common sense, remain calm and always be prepared.