Household Items You can Use to Survive

Household Items You can Use to Survive

Household Items You can Use to Survive

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Preparing doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Good prepping is more about knowing how to use what you have to your best advantage. Knowledge it the key to any survival situation. Having specialty equipment is grand if you can acquire it and if you have it with you when you need it most. But you would be amazed with what you can do with what you already have. Ordinary everyday items that can save your life in an emergency.

To see a list of 15 items that can help you survive in a SHTF scenario continue at the featured link below. After you have surprised yourself with the items that you already have toward survival take another look around your home and you may be surprised to realize how much prepping gear you already have!

 Household Survival – 15 Lifesaving Items You Probably Already Have


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