Bugging in When the Grid is Down

Bugging in When the Grid is Down

Bugging in When the Grid is Down

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Even if your plan A is to bug out this is valuable information to have. You may need to wait out the immediate effects of the SHTF event that caused the crisis, you could get cut off from your bug out location, or need to wait for an ill or injured member to be able to move. Even more important info to have if your plan A is to bug in.

Bugging in is where you hunker down at your home or chosen bugging in place. Is bugging in better than bugging out? Thats up to you to decide. How long do we bug in for? That’s the question of the century! The government says 3 days. But if you have ever been on the receiving end of FEMA or found yourself hurrying to meet a government dead line to then sit and wait for weeks or months before the results of your rush effort to be acknowledged you are aware that 3 days is only enough time for you to realize how bad the situation is. Most of us who prepare for emergencies recommend that you do start with a 72 hour bag and then add as you go until you can hold out long enough to get yourself and or your group self sufficient.

So don’t let this question prevent you from making progress To learn more about bugging in continue reading at the link below

How To Bug-In: What You Need To Know To Survive A Grid Down Disaster


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Bugging in When the Grid is Down

Photo courtesy of Bing