DIY Raised Garden Beds

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DIY Raised Garden Beds

How to Build and Install Raised Garden Beds

Image Source: Jody Rogac

Raised garden beds are just fantastic, they produce a better yield as the soil is better heated giving the roots an advantage. Easier to tend because they require less stooping and the weeds do not spread between beds as easily as they do on level ground gardens. Not only that; they look impressive and are an extra bit of landscaping that can set the design trend for the property whether that be rustic or very decretive depending on how you choose to edge them. Some feel especially if the edging is more modern and made with metallic surrounds that it gives our furry friends pause to be a be Leary of them and these raised beds therefor lose less produce to their snacking in your garden. Check out this fantastic tutorial from The Family Handy Man. This really could transform the way you grow your veggies. Plus yield bigger and better produce.

How to Build and Install Raised Garden Beds

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