Literally Building a Dirt Cheap House

Literally Building a Dirt Cheap House

How to Build Dirt Cheap House Literally

Photo credit Owen Geiger

These homes won’t pass muster with most countries building codes and laws.

But after a SHTF scenario if it is a long term event your home may be gone, confiscated, or so damaged it’s unlivable. A house structure built with the materials around you literally including dirt is fair game for temporary housing while you repair or rebuild your primary home.

If your bug out location is undeveloped these building options could also be used during times when building inspectors and permits are non-existent. These natural material homes are more efficient and safer than would be trying to make it through a rainy season or a winter in a tent and roomier than a non recreational vehicle would be,

One neat thing is that you could build them one room sized structure at a time then as time allows and as your group becomes better at the building process or grows larger you can attach them together expanding a bit at a time as it is economical and as the climate allows.

Check out the natural materials and building of these dirt cheap, dirt based homes at the link below

How to Build Dirt Cheap Houses


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