DIY Non-Electric Refrigeration

DIY  Non-Electric Refrigeration

The Zeer Pot

DIY Non-Electric Refrigeration

Image courtesy of Bing

After a disaster or a major SHTF event we could be without power for days, weeks or much longer. Safe food storage will still be an important consideration. If you don’t have a root cellar a zeer pot is a good option for keeping those fruits and veggies at a safe temperature. Cool without freezing. If you are storing for longer periods of time you may wish to use other preservation methods but immediately after a SHTF event having and keeping fresh food fresh will be much easier if you understand the zeer pot concept. No one wants food poisoning from tainted food. To significantly reduce the chances of becoming ill, keeping foods at proper temperatures is imperative.


This is a method that has been used for centuries and is believed to have been developed by the Egyptians BC. Even after a catastrophic event the basic parts will be easy to locate if you adapt from the more common build but keep the concept intact. It doesn’t have to be a clay pot to work! For further information on creating a zeer pot and having a DIY source of non-electric refrigeration see the link below

How To Keep Your Food Cold Without A Refrigerator


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