MIY Aspirin

MIY Aspirin

How to Make Aspirin At Home

Image Source: Commons Creative royalty free

There has been a SHTF event and boy do you have a headache! Seriously, if you don’t have a headache after a SHTF event then you may be injured or dealing with injured. They are going to need some natural pain relief as medical care isn’t going to be readily available. Without the ability to trot off to the drug store or call your family doctor you are going to become both for the time being. Learning natural methods of making common medications is a true skill now and in an emergency situation. One of the most commonly used over the counter medications is aspirin. Aspirin is a mild pain reliever, blood thinner, and anti inflammatory. For centuries many cultures have made it themselves and you can too!

Check out the E How article featured below to learn how to make it yourself. BUT as always before using it or any other natural or herbal remedy we recommend you talk to your doctor first. There is always the possibility of an allergic reaction or a conflict with other medications or remedies you are using. Knowledge  is power when used wisely

How To Make Your Own Aspirin For Survival


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