Post SHTF Insulin

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Post SHTF Insulin


Post SHTF Insulin

Photo courtesy of Bing

If you or a member of your group has diabetes you already know how important it is to include as much insulin you safely can in your preps. However should there be a long term SHTF scenario or should TEOTWAWKI occur knowing how to produce your own insulin will be factually a life saving skill. It isn’t an easy task and you will need to learn some chemistry skills to safely produce it. To read more click on the titled link below:

How To Make Insulin

Until such time as you feel you can safely produce your own insulin or insulin becomes available again, there are herbal helpers that can be used. They may not be as reliable nor should you replace any doctors advice with herbal remedies but, in a long or short term crisis scenario knowing these supplements and their uses could be extremely helpful. See information on them below

6 of the Best Dietary Supplements for a Diabetic Diet—and 3 You Should Avoid


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