Receive Emergency Alert Messages

Receive Emergency Alert Messages  


Receive Emergency Alert Messages

Graphic: PAWS



You can receive important lifesaving alerts no matter where you are via your cell phone.  Without need to download an app or subscribe to a service. I do have this service and can vouch for it! I have received an alert message on my cell phone and when the missing child was found, I also  received a message cancelling the alert.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a natural disaster or a man made crisis. The sooner we know about a situation the more options we have to deal with it. Knowledge and awareness are power in emergency scenarios giving you an advantage over those who are frozen unknowing of what has happened or what is expected to happen while you and your family are already putting your emergency plan into action.

To learn about this FREE service which does not count toward any text limitations on your cell services click on the titled link below and check on the availability in your specific area.


How To Receive Emergency Alerts From READY.GOV


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