The Incredible Plantain – Not Just a Weed!

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The Incredible Plantain – Not Just a Weed!

The Incredible Plantain - Not Just a Weed!

Photo from

I can’t think of anywhere I have ever lived or visited where I didn’t see this little weed growing somewhere! It’s known among the Native American‘s as an earth healing plant. It tends to grow most often where the earth has been disrupted as if the earth is attempting to heal itself with this awesome little plant.

But it doesn’t just heal the earth! It can be used by the planet’s human population for healing as well. From mosquito bites to Celiac disease it can be used both topically and ingested. You can add it to salads, chew it, stir fry it or use it as a poultice or in balms.. The incredible wild plantain is a bonus to put on your foraging list.

Too learn more about this little plant see the link below


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