An Interior Emergency Bag Could Make the Difference in Surviving

An Interior Emergency Bag Could Make the Difference in Surviving

interior accident bag

Photos by CBS and CNN

No one wants or plans to have an automobile crash. Much less be trapped inside the vehicle for any length of time waiting for rescue. Although both vehicles pictured happen to be red, they are from separate accidents.  Both the drivers survived the initial crash. But were trapped inside the wreak .It sounds like a one in a million kind of accident. Unfortunately it actually happens quite often.

The vehicle pictured on the right belonged to Kristin Hopkins. She did survive the ordeal. But she lost both her feet after being trapped for 6 days in her wrecked automobile. She survived without food, water, or first aid. Her attempts at calling for help were messages written on her umbrella. She waved it outside her vehicle, hoping to catch the attention of drivers on the freeway 140 feet up from where her vehicle had landed. Read Kristin’s story here >> Colorado mom who lost her feet after being trapped in car wreckage for SIX DAYS says her first concern was for her four children

The vehicle pictured on the left belonged to David Welch, sadly he did not survive his ordeal and was found dead in the vehicle after 46 days. In his last hours he wrote notes to his family so we know he did survive the accident and was conscious after the crash. Read David’s story here >> Trapped and dying in desert, David Welch leaves behind love notes — and questions 

Most first aid and accident items are kept in the trunk of our car. In the situations of Kristin and David as well as Kay Springer who was found alive after using shopping bags to catch water while she was trapped for 8 days due to her medical condition in her wreaked vehicle, see her story here >> . Woman trapped in car for 8 days shares her story

There is no way of telling what precautions might have prevented these accidents but what could’ve made a difference after the vehicle came to rest is if they had an accident bag in the interior of the vehicle where a trapped driver or passenger could reach it. We aren’t speaking to a bug out bag or even a smaller 72 hour bag but a bag that fits over the head rest of the car seat, or is part of the car seat itself that contains only the items you may need if stranded in the vehicle and perhaps injured.

A first aid kit, water, some food, a signaling device, a spare phone, an emergency blanket etc.

Pictured below are some examples of what other people are using for this special interior bag.

interior bags

Photos courtesy of Bing

As you can see it can be as simple as a bag hanging over the head rest or as elaborate as a tactical seat cover. What matters is that the survivors trapped inside the vehicle can reach it and get to the life sustaining contents while they await help.

To insure you’re rescued as soon as possible always make sure someone knows where you should be and will report you missing in a reasonable amount of time if you go missing. Put a signaling device in your accident bag, or a secondary cell phone or think creatively as did Kristin who used her umbrella to signal for help. No one ever plans to have an accident, that’s why they are called accidents! But if you plan for survival just in case, your chances of surviving increase dramatically. As always drive safely and be alert!


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