Not Just Chickens

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Not Just Chickens

Other Egg Producing Birds Suitable for Your Flock

Not Just Chickens

Photo from

When the majority of the western world says “eggs” we automatically assume chicken eggs, so much so that we don’t even bother to identify the fowl that they came from! We are aware of that there are other bird eggs that are edible they just aren’t common enough for us to have to ask what kind of egg we are referring to. There are a number of egg laying birds other than chickens that produce well and are suitable for your flock. If you aren’t interested in raising chickens one of these other producers could be more suited to you.

After a SHTF event finding any fowl eggs could be a bonus and finding the bird itself to begin a flock with a real find. See the featured article from the egg experts on which birds should be given preference in your search and how to identify what kind of egg you have discovered.

A Veritable Variety: A Guide To Eggs Of 4 Poultry Species


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