Knowing What Needs to be Pruned and When

Knowing What Needs to be Pruned and When

 Knowing What Needs to be Pruned and When

Photo: thriftyfun

When I first moved from an apartment to a home with some garden space, I was a pruning menace! I thought that all the bushes and trees should be pruned in the fall when they began to turn brown and look funky!  It only took that first year to learn that was not how it is done! and in the second year I learned that most bushes and trees pruned in the spring did keep the height down but caused the width to grow! LOL I had a slow pruning learning curve!

Thank goodness for sites like Thrifty Fun have a pruning article that will help those now beginning pruners and those who have added a new plant to their property and need info on when it should be done. Learn for the link below

Gardening Pruning Primer: What and When to Prune

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