Languages for Opsec Group Communications

Languages for Opsec Group Communications

Languages for Opsec Group Communications

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The idea of private open conversations wasn’t started by preppers but by parents! 🙂  I have been blessed with 5 very different very unique children. My biological children’s other parent is of German heritage. So when they were young and misbehaving I would give them behavior warnings in German when we were in a public setting. My youngest adopted children’s biological parents are of Polynesian heritage so they got those same warnings in Samoan. All 5 are adults today, but still come to attention so to speak when spoken to in the other language! I choose to honor their unique heritages even though they are not my own and to be able to reprimand privately.

A foreign language of your cultural background is not the only way to speak or communicate in a group setting in secret! Preparedness Advice has come up with additional “languages” we can use in public and still maintain opsec. See them linked below

4 Secret Languages That Will Allow You to Communicate Anywhere

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 Languages for Opsec Group Communications