Letter From Venezuela: A First Hand Account of Life After Economic Crisis

Letter From Venezuela:

A First Hand Account of Life After Economic Crisis

Letter From Venezuela: A First Hand Account of Life After Economic Crisis

Photo: Katherine Woodfine_curacaochronicle_thestar

We prepare for it, we worry about it, politicians speak about it, but we are the fortunate we have not yet experienced it. Knowing what life is really like after economic collapse. From someone living it day to day can only benefit our preparations and reignite our desire to prevent it in our own country and communities.

If you have kept up with the news you are aware that the situation in Venezuela reached critical mass and the economy collapsed. Not only did its citizens suffer the consequence of that economic collapse, but a fight for control of it’s government by disputing parties each with a leader who believes he is the rightful leader of their country. It does not appear that this country will see recovery anytime soon.

So, it’s citizen’s carry buckets full of cash across their borders to primarily Columbia in search of the simple things like eggs and flour. Not a scenario that anyone could or would ever envy or hope to find themselves in.

Like I am always reminding you, disaster doesn’t choose an opportune time to hit. The timing has trapped the writer of the letter received by our featured blogger The Organic Prepper in a bad situation and she asks for survival advice and explains what it is actually like to live after economic collapse. See it linked below

Letters from Venezuela: This Is What Life Is Really Like in a Post-Collapse Society


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 Letter From Venezuela: A First Hand Account of Life After Economic Crisis