Living in Your Car Successfully

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Living in Your Car Successfully

Living in Your Car Successfully

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Living in your car is not a situation that most of us ever expect and certainly don’t aspire to. No child that I have ever heard says “I can’t wait to grow up so I can live in my car!” It isn’t even comparable to those who wish to hit the open road in an RV upon retirement. However, I can indeed imagine doing so under some unpleasant situations.

To me, it would be preferable to living in a FEMA camp tent, to being on the streets or even being in a shelter in some circumstances.  Because my get home bag is in my vehicle, I could actually stay in my small car fairly comfortable for a couple of days. But any longer than that and I believe it would become a very uncomfortable unpleasant scenario. Most of us are blessed enough to not to have to worry day to day or even month to month that this may be the day or the month when our mode of transportation could also become “home’. But with today’s economy, the distances between family members, and the lack of decent inexpensive temporary housing by the grace of God go all of us and we could tragically end up homeless either displaced temporarily by a disaster or for the longer term until our situation improves.

The featured article has some excellent tips on making a bad situation a bit easier should you ever find yourself living in your car for a period of time. Good information to have along with the hope and determination that you will never need to implement.

Vehicle Survival: How to Successfully Live in Your Car (By Someone Who’s Done It)


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