Locations To Avoid Post SHTF

Locations To Avoid Post SHTF

 Locations To Avoid Post SHTF

Photo graphic: magicwall_ca

The featured article lists12 locations to avoid after a SHTF event. I agree with their thinking on why these areas should be avoided if possible. But would add a couple more!

  • Large Churches. Many will gather there to draw on their faith. Most will be unarmed in what they consider a sacred space making them sadly an easy target for those who intend harm.
  • Schools. Parents will be desperate to find their children to the point of violence if you should inadvertently come between what they feel is the best route to their child. There will also be large numbers of frightened teen drivers trying to get out and get home. Adding fear to a lack of experience is an auto accident waiting to happen. The majority of schools have a bottle neck with one way in and one way out. You could be stuck there for hours.
  • Bars or nightclubs. Alcohol, fear and rage is self-explanatory.
  • Gas stations. Everyone who is trying to bug out or just get away from whatever the disaster is will want and need gas. They will all be in a hurry, and all be running on high emotions. Make sure you always have enough gas in your vehicle to get home from the normal places you frequent or to your bug out location. Getting gas will become a nightmare.

See list of the other recommended places to avoid at the link below:

12 Places to Stay Far Away from After SHTF

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