Shingles & Siding From Soda or Beer Cans

Shingles & Siding From Soda or Beer Cans

Shingles/Siding From Soda or Beer Cans

Picture courtesy of Bing

A unique and very useful way to recycle and reuse aluminum cans. In the featured article, they are using the aluminum shingles on a chicken coop but with the proper insulation and installation they could be a viable alternative for other purposes. Personally If you have an artistic urge you could separate the cans by color and rather than using the silver side of the cans use the colored side creating what could be a lovely siding or roof for your project!

During hard times, this could also be the answer for roof repairs until such time as you could do them with traditional materials!

For instructions on making these unique shingles continue reading at the titled link below:

Make shingles and Siding Out of Soda and Beer Cans


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