Making Use of Roadkill

Making Use of Roadkill

Making Use of Roadkill

Graphic from

I admit the idea of eating roadkill makes me a bit queasy. Logically if you are not a vegan that queasiness is even harder to justify. We know meat comes from dead animals and making use of what is already dead rather than taking a new life to feed ourselves only makes sense.

I am of the Native American concept of thinking when it comes to the use of the creatures we hunt. The animal gave up its life for us and it is only honorable to use every part of that creature to our benefit allowing no part of the animal to be wasted. Shouldn’t this apply even in the accidental death of the animal? Especially in times of crisis food is food and where ever it comes from is a blessing, But for those who are not hunters and those who would have no idea what animal and at what point after death is safe to use the instructions featured in the E How below can be quite useful

How to Eat Roadkill


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