Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

Photo: gardeningknowhowcom

One of the primary concerns for both homesteaders and preppers alike is self sustainability. The primary resources needed to survive are shelter, water, and food.

Too often that isn’t enough! Medical care should be right up there on your list of must haves and frankly it is probably the going to be the hardest necessity to locate after and during a major SHTF event. I like to believe most people will try and help the injured, sick, elderly, and disabled.

However, trying to help and actually helping can be two very different things. Medical supplies and medications will be as scarce as are the personnel with the knowledge to appropriately administer it. Knowing NOW what you may need then, how to use it and how to obtain it.

Growing medicinal plants yourself is a huge step toward that. Learn which ones and how to grow them yourself at home at the featured link below

27 Highly Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home


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