MIY Canned Chicken (Stores 3+ yrs!)

MIY Canned Chicken

MIY Canned Chicken

Photo from howlingduckranch.wordpress.com

I must be honest and say I don’t much care for commercially processed meat products, including chicken. But I do like and eat chicken. Meat is an important source of protein especially for those who live in areas where the growing season is shorter, and the availability of plant-based protein products is more limited.

Chickens are one of the easiest of small livestock for people to keep because many smaller metro areas do allow them in backyards and on smaller city lots. Learning how to appropriately can chicken or any fowl is an important SHTF skill, and the taste is so much better than the over processed store bought in a can! Learn how here>>

Make CANNED CHICKEN – Lasts on the Shelf for 3+ Years!


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