MIY Canned Raspberries

MIY Canned Raspberries

I love raspberries!! Around here they grow like weeds and it’s like being given a tasty gift. I also believe in waste not want not and have learned how to can them for the off season. Here is how!



4 cups water
1 cup to 4 3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 lbs -3 lbs. berries


How much sugar you use is dependent upon how thick you want your syrup.

For extra light use 1 cup

For light syrup use 2 cups

For the average thickness use 3 cups (what I personally use)

For heavy syrup use 4 3/4 cups

(Per quart)

Combine sugar and water in saucepan. Boil for 5 minutes and skim any residue off the top. Keep warm but don’t boil again until ready to pour in jars.

Wash the raspberries and drain off any excess water.

Fill the jars with raspberries leaving about a half an inch of headspace.

Bring the sugar water to a boil and pour over the berries in the jar still leaving that headspace.

Remove any trapped air bubbles (I use a butter knife to do so) and put lids on.

Process in a boiling water bath, 10 minutes for pints or 15 minutes for quarts.


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