Make It Yourself Dehydrated Potato Flakes

MIY Dehydrated Potato Flakes

MIY Dehydrated Potato Flakes

The Homesteading Happy

Especially if you don’t have a root cellar this is an awesome way of storing your potato harvest. They can then be stored ready to make quickly and they take very little room to store. Yes, it is more work initially than just buying a box of potato flakes at the store. But the taste is homemade and there aren’t any fillers or artificial colors and preservatives. I look at it like you make on giant batch of mashed potatoes then have them the rest of the year without spoilage! There could come a time when your root cellar will be full holding all that you need to make it through the winter if there isn’t another way to replenish stocks until the next harvest. Storage space and time in those circumstances will both be at a premium and you will be very glad you learned this process.

Learn how at this link>>  How to Make Dehydrated Potato Flakes from Scratch


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