MIY Laundry Soap

MIY Laundry Soap

 MIY Laundry Soap

Photo: porterhousetypepad

Many recipes I have seen for laundry soap are labor intensive and involve melting then cooling etc. soap to create. This one is different because it is so quick and easy! Still, none of the fillers added to commercially sold laundry detergents. You can add your own choice of essential oils if you desire or simply use a scented soap when combining ingredients if you want scent.

But do you really need your laundry soap to be a pretty color or have ingredients that you can’t even pronounce? This recipe is pure cleaning power and not full of unnecessary chemical additives, so you use much less and get better results for less cost!

MIY by following the recipe found at the link below

2 Minute Laundry Detergent


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