MIY Neosporin

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MIY Neosporin

 MIY Neosporin

               Photo: simplyme This particular salve is great for minor cuts, scrapes, minor burns, diaper rash, dry skin, and eczema just like the store bought Neosporin. Only with this, you know what you are actually putting on your skin. I don’t like putting things on my own nor my children’s open wounds of any size when I don’t know what the ingredients really are, never mind that I can’t always pronounce! This healing salve isn’t intended for major wounds or cuts, but the little stuff that especially in a disaster scenario can quickly become more serious with infection. It stores well and is easy to make and use, see the full recipe with instructions at the featured link below from Mrs. Happy Homemaker

Healing ‘Boo-Boo’ Salve, a.k.a Homemade Natural Neosporin

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