Why Networking is Worth It for Preppers

Why Networking is Worth It for Preppers

Through The Door Promotions

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The lone wolf concept is overly romanticized. The lone bearded gruff but lovable bushman making his way alone in the world on his wits and skills. We see him in dozens of movies but only in the movies!  Why? Because in real life he didn’t survive! Preppers need networking and here is why!

No one person is equipped to be completely self sustaining for any long period of time. Even the old hermit on the hill comes in to town at least annually for supplies the lone trappers of the early pioneer days went to the trading posts and were often accompanied by a spouse, sibling or older child. You might make it in the urban ruins for a long time on your own where you can scavenge what you need to keep going another day.

But in a long term bug out self sufficient location someone has to tend the garden, tend the animals, do the cooking, forage, keep the fires going, do the butchering, preserve the harvest, tan the hides, make and repair tools you need, hunt etc… and you must physically rest spending some hours a day asleep. Who keeps watch while your asleep, off hunting, out checking the traps and so on and on. You can set your location up to be self sustaining but it takes several hands to keep that rhythm going. Never mind that humans need human contact to remain sane. For Preparing for SHTF’s take on preppers networking, their list of why it is so important to survival and of items you will need assistance in sustaining, and perhaps even an idea of the skill sets to look for when you network continue at the link below

5 Things Preppers May Need Help With


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