New Prepper’s Guide to Preparedness

New Prepper’s Guide to Preparedness

New Prepper's Guide to Preparedness

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Everyone of us was a newbie to prepping at one time or another, even if it is a life style we grew up in. We took those things for granted and lived by our parents examples preparing for the most likely SHTF scenario in their opinions. Today’s world isn’t the same as that of our parents. Nor is our children’s future world the one we live in today. We can only prepare them to be prepared for what becomes their most likely scenario. They must learn on their own what that is.

Some of us are new to the prepping world altogether. We grew up feeling the world was safe and that our respective families, communities and governments would deal with the disasters and each other safely. Now as adults we know better. No one can take care of us, but us!

Although the featured article is to assist the new prepper in beginning his or her new adventure and a more self reliant life style, all of us long time preppers or newbies can learn a bit from every bit of knowledge shared. Even if it is just a reminder. See a new prepper’s set of guidelines for starting out and take from it what you can use and add from there.

A Newbies Guide to Emergency Preparedness.

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