Opening Cans W/Out Can Opener

Opening Cans W/Out Can Opener

Opening Cans W/Out Can Opener

Video capture from Good Homes Design

Whether you’re bugging in or out there is always the possibility of losing a portion of your gear or having it become dysfunctional or unusable. Under these circumstances finding or having canned food would be a God send, unless what you lost or broke was the can opener! Then it could be close to torture to have food so close and not be able to get to it!

No worries! You can open that can without hours of jabbing at it with a knife or trying to smash it open against a brick wall! It could take some time, but you can open it without breaking your knife or your back. Watch the video below and see this can be opened without the use of a can opener or knife on a material surface that will be plentiful!



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