OTC Medications For Preppers

OTC Medications For Preppers

OTC Medications For Preppers

photo from kodjoworkout.com

Preppers on prescribed medications worry about stocking enough extra to last them through both a short and a long term crisis.  Many even find herbal supplements to assist with their medical conditions to store in case they are unable to get to their medications. Both the prepper who takes a medication regularly and the one who doesn’t have concerns about access to drugs needed for common illnesses and injuries like antibiotics.

But both kinds of preppers tend to forget about OTC (over the counter) drugs. We tend not to think of how difficult a bad headache can make our concentration or a bad cold or flu can slow us down. In combination some OTC medications can do a lot more than treat what we ordinarily purchase them for.

To see which are the top 10 recommended continue at the link below

Ten Essential OTC Medications to Stockpile


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