Planting Cherry Pits

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Planting Cherry Pits

 Planting Cherry Pits


I currently have an avocado pit soaking on the windowsill , a pineapple top growing on the bathroom counter and 2 and a half pounds of cherries in the fridge! I bet you can guess what I am going to do with some of the pits from those cherries! I don’t live in a climate that is suitable for growing some of the things I would love to grow outdoors so I have a habit of taking that as a challenge and growing them indoors as houseplants. I still have a healthy hearty Easter lily and poinsettia growing in my office window. I have never tried this with a cherry before, So the step by step instructions included in the featured link will be a big help with my first try! If you decide to try rooting your cherry pits come on by our facebook page when you have sprouts and share a picture or two!

How to Plant Cherry Pits

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