Post SHTF Diseases To Be Prepared For

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Post SHTF Diseases To Be Prepared For

 Post SHTF Diseases To Be Prepared For

Photo: bodyandsoulcomau

Most of us have some kind of preparation done for illness in general. We keep a bottle of aspirin and perhaps a partially used bottle of cold medication in the medicine cabinet of our homes. Many people also did some stocking up on pandemic supplies like masks and gloves when ebola hit our shores.

There are diseases that we more than likely have not prepared for because they are rampant in most western countries anymore, After a SHTF event many of these will make a come back. Due to both hygiene issues, lack of appropriate health care, and the end of vaccinations. We have already seen localized outbreaks of illness that most of us don’t worry about anymore because more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children. Vaccinated or not these post SHTF diseases will become problematic and we need to remember that and prepare for it. The Urban Survival Site has put together a list of those illness they feel will become an issue after a crisis event. See them at the featured link below and be prepared!

8 Diseases To Beware Of After The SHTF

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