Practical Skills People Once Knew

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Practical Skills People Once Knew

Practical Skills We Once Knew

Graphic from Mass training

As technology has grown the use of practical old skills and knowledge has steadily declined. We are so dependent upon the electronics and gadgets of today that without them many are simply lost. In a post SHTF world this will mean chaos. Basic things like fire, water and food will leave some folks wanting. What will they do if you can’t turn the tap, pour from a bottle, turn on a stove,  light a barbecue grill, or stop at the local market for something to microwave for dinner tonight!

I admit I love the ease of technological advances and the recent trend in new advances making our world a greener less chemically filled place to live. Solar power, wind turbine improvements, aquaphonics and pool gardening just to name a few. These types of advances are really just a new way of using old knowledge and skills. (By clicking on the links above you can see articles on some of those subjects.)

Our friends over at Modern Survival Blog have come up with a list of practical skills that used to be common place and should be learned again if we are to make it after a major event that could leave us without our technology and in a grid down situation long term. Take a look at the link below to see their listing. Are there skills on that list that you already know? If so you’re a step ahead of the game. If there are skills on that list that you don’t feel comfortable that you could preform without today’s technology now is a good time to work on learning them!

Practical Skills That People Once Knew

If you have skills or there are skills that you would like to learn that aren’t on the list, stop on by our Facebook page at The Prepared Page  and let us know. We strive to get you all the information you need to survive and thrive and we will do some research on your behalf and see if you can’t find or produce a tutorial for you!


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