Prep Your Home for Quakes

Prep Your Home for Quakes

Prep Your Home for Quakes

Photo from American Prepper’s Network

For your personal safety the old duck and cover method is still true, if you can make it to a door way or out doors without endangering yourself further it is wise to do so. What about the dangers of your home? Your own home could be a danger to your personal safety during quakes. Flying glass, ruptured gas lines, downed power lines, and falling objects are the cause of many quake injuries.

But what about your home itself? It is your castle, your safe haven and your shelter. Most of us have put a lot of work and love into our houses making them a home. If you rent, that doesn’t change! You still have all the bits and pieces of your life contained between those walls. It is where you will want to be after such a devastating event and therefor it needs to remain stable and safe for you to occupy.

For information about making your home safer before a quake and after continue reading at the titled link below.

Prepare your home for an earthquake


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