Who Really Pays for Prepper Stigma?

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Who Really Pays for Prepper Stigma?

 Who Really Pays for Prepper Stigma?

Photo graphic: duurzaamdeurnenet

I know many of us get what I call the “look” if we admit to being or try to discuss prepping. I feel  the label has been distorted. The word prepper has come to be seen as someone who thinks the world is going to end tomorrow and they will be the only valued survivors who will fight the forces that be and all the other non worthy survivors! That we not only believe in zombies but prepare for them to take over the world. In plainer words bat crap crazy!

In fact the prepper is only someone who admits to preparing for the worst case scenario while living fully for today. It is an additional bit of insurance to guarantee themselves and their families will always face life with a leg up and a reasonable standard of life.

So who does this stigma really hurt? The shamers or the ones being shamed? See what More than just surviving has to say about it. by continuing at the featured link below

Prepper Shaming: Who Suffers Most from the “Prepper Stigma”

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