Preppers and Homeschooling

 Preppers and Homeschooling

Preppers and Homeschooling

Photo: survivalandbeyond

(2 links)

We prep to insure the quality of life for ourselves and our families. This includes both the younger generation here now and those yet to come. You may not be planning on adding a child to your family today. But the family you do have will grow up and eventually have children themselves or frankly you know what happens to the best laid plans!

Staying alive will be priority one. Then staying healthy and safe from future issues. However, things (in some areas any way) will eventually calm down.  You will then be able to expend energy preparing for a new future. Part of that future has to be education for the younger generations! You have done all you have to insure their future and those that are better educated will have more opportunities in both the pre and post SHTF worlds. This is when homeschooling becomes a very important part of your plans.

There is a train of thought that feels that preppers and homesteaders should be considering homeschooling now before any crisis to incorporate teaching of survival skills with the standard education curriculum. See that side of the equation from Survival Mom linked below

Why Preppers Should Consider Homeschooling

This is not an option for many parents. We have jobs and simply can’t be home with our children on a daily basis no matter how much we might like to. There are also folks like myself who simply don’t have the personalities to be homeschool teachers full time. Either way we want the time we spend currently with our children to be a different quality of time dealing with other life issues for both today’s or a post SHTF world. For this group Survival Sullivan has some ideas on post SHTF education and you can see it linked below

Schooling in a Post-SHTF World

To assist you with preparing to homeschool the following books have been recommended as part of your preparations. I’ve linked them all for kindle BUT they are available in print as well! I love the kindle because of the small amount of physical space it takes to travel with you, and the huge amount of information can be stored. With all the solar chargers, and the other options for producing enough power to charge your kindle from camp fire charging to inverters keeping it charged especially after becoming re-established won’t be a big deal.


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