Are Preppers Normal?

Are Preppers Normal?

Are Preppers Normal?

Photos from dreamstimecom and emergency food storage co uk

Since the television debut of Doomsday Preppers many people have come to think that all preppers are a bit nuts. So if you are a prepper or have a family member who is are you or they normal? First of course to determine that we must decide what is normal. Most often it is assumed what the majority of the people do or think is normal. Based on the recent numbers published that say that the majority of the population is not prepared for making it on their own for longer than 3 days without outside assistance. Therefor we can assume that preppers are not normal.

Does being abnormal in this particular arena make you insane? Preppers are like any other section of the population some are extreme and some are not. If we lower the test group on this subject to preppers only you would find the majority are quite sane and those depicted on television are the exception to the norm in the prepping community. The doomsday prepper is the extreme to one side while those with empty pantries are the extreme to the other. In a catastrophe I would be ok with the label crazy if it meant my family and I would not only survive but continue to thrive. When a SHTF scenario occurs the norm changes from those who are prepared and those who are not. Those who are not will be the ones suddenly in desperate times. I personally do not want to be a part of that norm.

The fact is that a devastating event hits someone somewhere in the world almost daily. So assuming that you will never be the one for whom the disaster happens is a bit presumptuous. Mother Nature doesn’t discriminate by where you live, how you live, or what your belief system is. None of us are too special to be the victim of a mega storm, a random act of terror, a pandemic or other huge event. There is no golden ticket that can be given nor purchased to insure you are never affected. That these events occur and will occur again is a simple fact of life. To ignore that fact is perhaps easier but definitely not smarter or more normal. Such an event doesn’t even have to occur outside your personal space but can be as simple as a job loss leading to a long term period of unemployment. You and your family still need  food, water, and shelter and it has become difficult to you to obtain. That is a SHTF event for those experiencing it.

The prepper is someone who realizes that history will repeat there will be another earthquake, another hurricane, another war or some other large event that will slow or bring production of things that we take for granted to a halt. If you listen to any news coverage after such an event there are always those who did not make it through and those that struggle to regain stability for long periods after. Is not preparing for such an event even make sense? The truth of the matter is that the prepper isn’t normal. He or she takes more responsibility for their own welfare than does the average citizen and no matter how you spin that, it is a good thing and hardly insane although in today’s world perhaps not normal.

To assume that first responders and those that have the needed supplies are going forsake their own wellbeing and that of their group or family to rescue you is a bit insane and goes against human nature. We all share the self-preservation ‘gene’ and preppers are just more aware of the more likely scenario that after a disaster of those people that we depend upon to rescue us will be busy saving themselves and rightfully so!

For Doctor Alton’s take on the normalcy of prepping check out the video below



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