Prepping Points

Prepping Points

 Prepping Points

Photo: graywolf

Just about everyone knows what is needed to make it through a 72-hour scenario. Hopefully that is all we will ever face. But this has been shown not to always be the case. New Orleans is still recovering from hurricane Katrina and there are still displaced families all these years later.

It is always recommended that you begin with the 72 hours and build up from there to cover your worst-case scenario, this requires a great deal of thought for your prepping points.

Prepping points are the issues that are specific to you and your family within your worst case. Knowing and planning for these points prior to the disaster is imperative to long term survival. Continue at the link below to see just what you should know about yourself prior to SHTF.

Prepping Points – What YOU need to know NOW before the SHTF


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