Prepping Without Money

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Prepping Without Money

Prepping Without Money

Photo graphic: tryuruguaycom

Truthfully, I believe the featured article is more intended for the longer-term prepper. For the new prepper having a fully stocked pantry and all the other rational supplies may not yet be a goal reached.

I agree with the author of the featured article that self-reliance is the end goal for the majority of preppers. However, there are a large group of preppers who do not have the advantage of the space for a garden, nor the time to spend learning all the self-reliant skills required. If you fall into that group don’t despair. Being as prepared for whatever comes as you can with the space, skills, and yes even money that you have is a big step toward being prepped.

To see how it is recommended that you prepare without spending check out the article below, some of the ideas may be ones that you can do!

If You’re Spending Money To Prep You’re Doing It Wrong!


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