Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home

Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home

Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home

Photo: Sustainable Communities South Australia Inc

Knowing How to Can, Freeze, Dry and Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home is a must know for anyone living on a budget, wants to take advantage of sales, has a garden, is homesteading or prepping for a day when there isn’t enough to go around to feed everyone.

I have always called my prepping efforts my quality-of-life insurance. But it truthfully started out as poverty prepping as I have seen the cycle of economics come and go around in highs and lows many times. Learning how to preserve what I have now for later, gardening and hitting seasonal sales helped me to even out those highs and lows so my own family never went without.

So as we enter the spring planting season, and prepare for the harvest to come, learn some of these methods and level off your personal playing field insuring that you will always have some left in the low times by using what abundance you have during the high ones!

   All About Home Canning*, Freezing and Making Jams and Jellies


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