Primitive Traps & Snares

Primitive Traps & Snares

snares and traps

Graphic from elements of survival

In a long term SHTF scenario we have to be prepared to do without the modern technology of today. Human’s existed long before supermarkets, butcher shops and restaurants. We can find nutrition in the plants and trees around us and even set up a garden or on a larger scale a farm to provide ourselves with produce. However, in most cases we can’t get enough protein from these sources to maintain good health without added supplements and easy access to dairy products.

If you have prepared and have protein items stocked you are ahead of the game and will have an easier time staying well fed until you are able to locate and maintain a self sustaining source of protein. Hunting in emergency situations can be a lot harder than it sounds. The animals, like you are on the move avoiding most likely whatever it is your bugging out away from. Even if it isn’t a natural disaster or a loud frightening crisis that will send the animals on the run as well. It is always wise to have more than one method of obtaining any necessary survival supply. If you are attempting to do so quietly and aren’t necessarily attempting to capture but to immediately use the prey these primitive traps and snares are the ticket and can be  made out of materials found around you in most survival situations.

Six Primitive Traps For Catching Food In The Woods

Snares and Traps for Survival Trapping

If your trapping purposes are more long range than dinner tonight and have access to the supplies. You may want to consider live traps. With live traps you can capture your prey and begin your own breeding pack/herd etc. For sustainable sources of protein.  See that in one of our previous posts below

DIY Box Traps


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