Principles of Self-Sufficiency

Principles of Self-Sufficiency

Principles of Self-Sufficiency

photo graphic: wakeupworldcom

Self-sufficiency actually means different things to different people depending on their individual situations. To one of my daughters, it means supporting herself and her child without assistance from anyone. To another child it means being able to live away from home on her own, and to yet another it means being able to build her business to a level where she and her husband can retire very young and enjoy a life without financial worry. At this time, they are all succeeding at their desired level of self-sufficiency.

I however like many other preppers and definitely homesteaders see self-sufficiency as being able to provide for ourselves and our families without any outside help before, during, and after a disaster of any kind. To not be reliant upon the grid nor the government for our own quality of life.

Although the end goal of your idea of self-sufficiency may vary from each other, the principles of the journey there are basically the same! To begin your path, or to easy your way to your own self-sufficiency see the principles used to get there at the link below.

38 Principles of Self-Sufficiency


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