Prioritize Emergency Preparedness Goals

Prioritize Emergency Preparedness Goals

Prioritize Emergency Preparedness Goals

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Whether you are just beginning or doing your annual update, prioritizing your preparedness goals for the near future is important. Just as you wouldn’t go willy-nilly on a cross country trip without a map, nor should you travel the road to survival based on a whim. Although the rule of 3 is always a good starting point.


Your intentions are to survive with some comfort for more than the first 3 minutes or hours. Every individual’s survival needs are different dependent upon where your located, what your skills are, how many you are providing for, the ages and health of those in your group, etc… But there are basic questions you can ask yourself to help you prioritize what the most important goal for you now and in the future. These goals will change as the economy, you, your family, and the world changes around you but the questions will remain stable. You just need to start each new layer of preparedness with them. Find your priorities by asking the questions within the following link

Four Questions to Ask to Prioritize Emergency Preparedness Goals


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