PVC Framed Garden Box Enclosures

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PVC Framed Garden Box Enclosures

 PVC Framed Garden Box Enclosures

Photos: allandouglas

Garden season is just winding up in my area. So for us, it is time for reflection on what we need to try or do differently next season. One issue that the majority of us in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States is critter control. As I am sure it is in other locations around the country and world.

Allan Douglas writes for GRIT about his testing and building of raised garden enclosures made from PVC. He gives tips on adapting these enclosures and not full DIY instructions. Rather he provides his pros and cons for each enclosure and which is best for climbing plants etc.. Including information on which work best for which type of pest as well as placement and avoiding pitfalls in landscape around the enclosure. Helpful if you plan to use an enclosure next year to protect your crop from the creatures who view it as their private buffet.

See his opinion on each type and see if any of these enclosures would work for your garden at the featured article linked below

PVC Framed Garden Box Enclosures

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