Rescue Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice

Rescue Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice

Rescue Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice

Photo: cprlevelc-ca

Especially if you live in the northern cold climate you know several people a year fall through the ice to their deaths every year. As the climate becomes colder in the southern part of the USA and other typically warmer countries you will also begin to see this sad occurrence. I recall living in Europe and telling friends about snowmobiling and ice fishing who were flabbergasted. Just that we walked on the ice. I don’t think they really believed me when I told them not only did we walk and fish on the ice but drove vehicles and built ice fishing shacks which often including wood burning stoves.

After Katrina many folks accustomed to warm weather all year found themselves relocated in the north. They were not prepared to deal with the ice and snow, but are learning as they go along. We all should consider that during or after a SHTF event we could find ourselves traveling through or relocated to a cold climate. Learning when it is safe to fish for substance or pleasure on the ice. Or even just crossing the ice for hunting or bugging out will be a difficult task. You will see accidents. People will fall through the ice. Learning now how to rescue those unfortunates will save lives later.

See three recommended procedures at the link below

Thin Ice Ahead! How To Rescue Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice


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