Reusing Plastic Water Bottles

Reusing Plastic Water Bottles

plastic water bottles

Photo from Love to know living green

There has been a lot of controversy regarding reusing plastic water bottles. It only seems logical that since they only had clear water in them that simply refilling them with more clean water should be safe enough a time or two. There are those that feel that reusing a plastic water bottle as long as it hasn’t been exposed to extra warm or extremely cold temperatures the plastic remains stable and doesn’t leach any plastic chemicals into the water. However, there is another worry, bacteria. If the plastic of the bottle has been compromised in any way the gateway for bacterial growth has been opened. Just the slightest crack too small to cause leakage is big enough for bacteria. So washing your bottles prior to reuse is more important than whether the bottle has been exposed to unusual temperatures or not.

I encourage you to take a look at the article below discussing the pros and cons of washing versa not washing and leaching verses bacteria so that you can make an informed choice for yourself.

What You Need To Know Before You Reuse That Plastic Water Bottle


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