Safely Eating Blue Elderberries

Safely Eating Blue Elderberries

 Safely Eating Blue Elderberries

Photo from

Growing up we did a bunch of berry picking for my mother. She made jams, jellies, preserves and pies that were so awesome that my brothers still fuss over who gets the leftovers to take home! My sister and I have both learned to make our own, so we giggle a bit as our brothers negotiate for the scraps.

However, we were always taught not to eat the elderberries whether blue or red as they were poisonous. Now all these years later I still tend to hold onto that bias against the elderberry even though I have seen many cooks and diners thoroughly enjoy the fruits of the elderberry bush.

I am pleased to know that handled and cooked properly the berries are not only safe to eat but delicious as well. Plus, the other survival uses of the bush itself are equally as educationally taking this bush from one I would always avoid to one now I will seek out! Check out all the info on using this multi-purpose berry and bush at the link below

The Amazing Blue Elderberry

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