Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish

Salt And Smoke Cure Meat And Fish

Salt - Smoke Cure Meat And Fish

Photo from Outdoor Life Survival

Preserving protein sources like meat and fish will be a crucial skill during a SHTF scenario. There are situations where pressure canning, freezing or dehydrating meats will not be an option, but you will need that protein desperately to keep yourself and your family or group healthy. The dietary options currently available will not be so easily obtained in some situations. Hunting and fishing could become necessary and preserving what you are able to capture is what will get you through the lean times which are sure to follow. Learning these skills and methods now when a mistake can be rectified is imperative. There will be no do overs when the loss cannot be easily replaced, and your family is hungry. For beginning instructions on curing meats and fish continue at the following the link.

Survival Skills: How To Use Salt And Smoke To Cure Meat And Fish


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