Self-Activating Fire Extinguisher

Self-Activating Fire Extinguisher

 Self-Activating Fire Extinguisher

Photo: q13foxcom-elide-icekey-

Fire danger is near and dear to me. First, I have always been afraid of being burned. I was burned as a child and have never forgotten the excoriating pain it caused. Secondly because of the lives lost to such a horror. In the picture above 3 children ages 7-13 lost their lives. The product featured in the linked video below could perhaps have saved them.

This particular fire started in the living area of the home due to a malfunctioning space heater. The mother of these lost children had sat down to watch TV after putting her children to sleep upstairs and had fallen asleep. She awoke to the blaze, but the fire blocked the staircase to the bedrooms upstairs where her children lay sleeping. Neither she nor the fire fighters were able to get to these children until after they had perished of smoke inhalation. I cannot imagine her grief or pain. It’s unimaginable to most of us.

Had a device like the Self-Activating Fire Extinguisher been sitting or hanging even just at the top of those stairs, there is a possibility that the fire could have been extinguished enough for she or the fire fighters to get through it and to those children before they passed away, not of the flames but of the smoke. See it in action in the following linked video.



This product is now available on the lik below

AFO version


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