Set up a Post SHTF Hospital Tent

Set up a Post SHTF Hospital Tent

Set up a Post SHTF Hospital Tent

Photo: barryinc-en-made-in-china-com

The possibility of a pandemic is very real in today’s world. People travel further and faster than ever before and along with them viruses and germs. An illness in Africa can be in both the USA and Canada with in a day! Especially as you are usually the most contagious during the incubation period long before you know you’re sick.

The chances of a pandemic increase dramatically after a SHTF event when hygiene and immediate medical care are both poor. So being aware, practicing good hygiene, and self quarantining are your only defenses in a post SHTF scenario. Part of quarantine is having an isolation area and sick room available for anyone who does become ill or even in some circumstance anyone who has just been possibly exposed. In other words a hospital tent.

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy of Doom and Bloom have instructions for setting up such a sick room/space. You can see them at our featured link below

Setting Up A Survival Sick Room

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