Setting Up a Community Post SHTF

Setting Up a Community Post SHTF

Setting Up a Community Post SHTF

Photo from the

Although we talk a lot about small like minded folks forming survival groups now in normal times, are they really the right choice for the long term?

Over a period of time a larger community will have  a better quality of life. Even if only based on sheer numbers the more people working together the more hands working at tasks. The more people there are, the more security options for the group and better the production of both necessities and niceties there is. More minds mulling over dilemmas equals better and more options to choose from for the best interests of everyone.

But how do you build this new community safely and who do you choose to include and why? For information and things to consider post SHTF continue at the link below

Standing Up a Post-Disaster Survival Community


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